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iHowz present their Section 21 proposal to MPs

Started by The Man from iHowz, November 19, 2023, 12:44:10 PM

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The Man from iHowz

This Wednesday, 22 November, landlord association, iHowz will be at the Houses of Parliament to present their proposal to amend Section 21.

Some landlords will ask why an organisation representing landlords would
- offer tenants the last 2 months rent free
- longer notice period bases on tenure

iHowz argue that these changes will make the S21 process fairer for tenants while retaining an effective, proven process for dealing with antisocial behaviour (ASB)

The Man from iHowz

This week's presentation by iHowz at the Houses of Parliament went well with both Tory and Labour attendees broadly in support.
We now have to push to get it included in various amendments.
Loss of the fixed term and the unintended consequences was also raised.