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Property Ladder: 20th November- Chiswick

Started by propertyfag, November 20, 2007, 09:14:48 PM

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Looks like the house is still on the market! Ha :)


ohh you clever thing , finding it .

haha im glad its still on the market

But she stole my wallpaper ... haha looks better in my housey though ( see that my house isnt  worth £1.3 million with £20 wallpaper ! ) and also .... what is with the tissues...who blows there nose in the night really ? .....  only dirty old men have tissues next to the bed  ::)... and that Rug ! I can't stand too look at this photo any longer.


Good find fag good find, it will be on the market for ever, and i am glad about that, i just wish people would listern to someone who knows best,


I ALWAYS say that.

Why would you even neglect Sarah's advice when she's the expert? It makes no sense to me.


Forgot to say, i love them all really and if i dont like what people do then that is my fault not theres. 



Quote from: Fionalouisa on November 22, 2007, 12:21:44 AM
what is with the tissues...who blows there nose in the night really ? .....  only dirty old men have tissues next to the bed 

Hey, don't knock the tissues. Tissues by the bed are good. If you spill a cup of tea they're right there next to you.



It adds in its little way.
I have tesco own by mine, very handy and large size
By the way , i wounder how these guys are getting on ! would be very very interesting to find out dont you think


The property is still on:

I think it's still for sale, because a high profile site like that is usually up to date. What a shame...


Didn't watch the show, but the kitchen is nice. Its a lot of money though. Odd looking house from the outside too.



Odd yes, very, poor chaps, still just as well we all havnt got the same taste eh.  the world would be a very boring place to live if we did.  I am sure the joint will sell one day


Yeah, the basement conversion is well nice. It's just the rest of the house...

I still have it on skyplus. I'd love to hear your opinion on it :)


The tissues are to dry wet eyes  :'(  they should have listerned to you know who


Should maybe buy an own brand, they are cheaper


Just to clear up some misconceptions

The property was only 3/4 finished when filmed two months ago when shown on TV, it has only just recently been finished and put on the market. A number of rooms were not in a state to be seen on TV or the buying public for example the rear garden was still a building site, the majority of filming was in the smaller bedroom, single was thrown onto the patio area to give the appearance of being finished

We have had valuations of 2 x 1.2 mill and 1  x 1.3m including one agent that changed his mind on camera and reduced to 1.1 m. . 1.3m was not a figure we picked out of the blue. A lot of people will market their property for the highest valuation so are we in the wrong by dong so ?

The estate that was shown is not and never has been a council estate but has been in private ownership since the 1930's and is in walking distance of the Thames with it's pubs and also walking distance tio Chiswick's bars and restaurants.

PL's surveyor only ended up suggesting putting in a few more acro props not exactly discounting the existing acro prop solution that was already in place

The area is not as noisy as portrayed on the programme, they showed the same shot of the tube at least twice.

A 5 bed house converted into bedsits has recently been sold for more than we want to people that want to convert it back into a family home, this is positioned closer to the main road than we are.

It has been next to impossible to get any planning for anything apart for a basement for the property.

The idea of two flats was ruled out, if you owned the bottom flat would you want someone peering at you through the skylights and into your private patio area from the balcony ? The whole point was that no one is overlooking the patio area and into the living area through the folding glass doors

Also, thanks for the critical personal comments ! we may of been on TV and be asking for it but at the end of the day we are still human beings



Hey thanks for that and the best of luck to you.
I went on * its a knock out* back in the 80s. so i know what you mean


Quote from: RichardNL on November 30, 2007, 03:34:48 PM
The area is not as noisy as portrayed on the programme, they showed the same shot of the tube at least twice.

Does it normally sound different each time, then?



Thanks for sharing, Richard.

I just didn't agree with a lot of the decisions made during the development. From what i saw, the downstairs could have been developed in a way so that the two potential flats didn't affect one another so dramatically.

Regardless, we realise you're human, and our tone may have come across as harsher than intended. Apologies for that.


We are just jealous that you have a potentual 1.3 mil coming your way, please when you are in Aus sipping what ever it is you guys sip, think of us twits * or stronger* here back in old Uk freezing and slagging people of who have more than us.

Ps why oh why did you sell all the other places, where they not making for you !


Yeah, I was curious about that.

Why sell all those other assets? Are you actually going to come out of this better off (even if you do sell for 1.3m)?


See, i am thinking a trip to this forum before you started all of this could have made you money and saved a bit of time as well.



Hi Richard

I can understand you wanting to defend yourself and your property , but we were all just giving our views/opinions ... which is what we do well around here ... being a forum .

At the end of the day we saw it as a TV programme ... because it is ... and we just share our opinions on it.

It does feel very school-ground behavior ... the whole ... finding out someones been talking about you behind your back .
But everyone goes through it ... and yes you will be hacked off .. but its only our opinion.

Im sure it not the end of the world.


Hope you join in with afew more of our threads ! We are actually VERY friendly.



I'm wondering if this property actually sold...

Does anyone know? Would be interesting to find out.

